Who is Yung Bleu married to? All about his wife and kids in wake of Instagram divorce drama rant

American rapper Yung Bleu's wife, Tiemeria, has blasted off the star and apparently kicked him out of their house after a woman claimed that he flew her out. The allegations came to the limelight after a woman alleged that the 29-year-old rapper approached her after coming across a video of her where she showed off

American rapper Yung Bleu's wife, Tiemeria, has blasted off the star and apparently kicked him out of their house after a woman claimed that he flew her out. The allegations came to the limelight after a woman alleged that the 29-year-old rapper approached her after coming across a video of her where she showed off her tongue. She said the rapper/singer, who was born in Alabama, flew her out, but she ended things with him when she realized he was "a weirdo."

After Tiemeria caught wind of the TikTok video where the girl detailed her experience, she took to her Instagram stories and slammed Yung Bleu claiming that the girl was not lying.

Screenshot of Tiemeria's Instagram story blasting off Yung Bleu.

On a black background, she wrote:

"N**** stay tryna fly b***hes out don't nobody wanna lick on that short a** d**k y'all can have his desperate b***h a** big teeth a** b***h that hoe not lying on yo dirty a** b***h."

Tiemeria said she confronted her husband, who got out of bed and ran out of the house but kept texting her to say he wasn't cheating. In the video, she said:

"This b***h is not lying on you at all. She got so many muthaf***in’ receipts.”
Screenshot of Tiemeria's Instagram story blasting off Bleu.

She went on to say that she would not pursue her husband and would not let him come back to their shared home.

"I hope Boosie come get your muthaf***in’ a**. He ain’t got no car keys he ain’t got no house keys, he can’t get in this muthaf***a. So, he going to be outside tonight unless one of you b*****s come get him.”

In another text story, Tiemeria also said that she needs the "best divorce lawyer in Georgia.”

All you need to know about Yung Bleu's wife and kids

Yung Bleu's wife Tiemeria is a businesswoman and the owner of The Dark Moon Cosmetics. She first rose to fame for being the rapper's girlfriend, after crossing each other's paths in 2015. In an August 2021 post, Bleu expressed gratitude for his partner stating he couldn't find any flaws in her.

No other information is available on Tiemeria. Yung Bleu and Tiemeria are parents to three kids.

Their oldest boy, Yung Jace, was born on October 27, 2020. No one knows when the couple's other son was born. The rapper and his lover hadn't told anyone about their first child yet, but a smart Instagram user found a photo of the artist cuddling his eldest child.

The duo welcomed their third child, a daughter, on May 25, 2022. They made the pregnancy announcement in February 2022 via an Instagram video of an ultrasound revealing they were having a girl.

Before he got married to Tiemeria, Yung Bleu was in a long-term relationship with Shunna Phillips. The duo shared a son together but broke up and the rapper moved on to have another relationship.

In a since-deleted Instagram post, Shunna Phillips slammed the rapper, calling him the worst father to their son Corbin. She also alleged that he was abusive and publicly regretted having a baby with him.

As per Star Scoop, she wrote on Instagram:

"As a man, you’ve failed, As a Co-Parent, you’ve failed, and as a father, you’ve extremely failed Corbin."

As of writing, Yung Bleu has not responded to Tiemeria's cheating allegations.

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