Turkey booties, also known as turkey frills, are little paper caps that people stick on the end of turkey legs, to cover up the unsightly ends of the bones. They’re shaped sort of like miniature chefs’ hats, and might be frilled or rounded at the top.Click to see full answer. Accordingly, how do you make a paper turkey leg cover? Cut the 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of white paper in half lengthwise. Fold each half again, in half lengthwise. Lay one piece of folded paper on top of the other, folded sides together. Unfold each piece of paper and fold the opposite way. Wrap one bootie around each turkey leg. One may also ask, can you cook turkey with plastic leg holder? The “plastic thing” on the turkey legs is the hock lock. It secures the hind legs, or hock, of a chicken or turkey. It can be made of heat-resistant nylon or metal, and it’s perfectly safe to leave it in the bird while it roasts. One may also ask, how do you remove tendons from turkey legs? Holding a paring knife just above the ankle and perpendicular to the bone, slice around the circumference all the way to the bone. This will expose the ends of about six thin white tendons. 2. Using a clean pair of pliers, grip the end of each tendon and pull firmly to remove it.What are the white things on the end of turkey legs?Turkey booties, also known as turkey frills, are little paper caps that people stick on the end of turkey legs, to cover up the unsightly ends of the bones. They’re shaped sort of like miniature chefs’ hats, and might be frilled or rounded at the top.