Much light has been shined on Divergent star Shailene Woodley lately. Many are expecting Divergent to be the next Hunger Games. But there’s one thing you better not to say to the young star. Do not tell her that her character reminds you of Bella from Twilight, because it seems the star has some very concise feelings about the story. While many her age grew up loving the book, seems Shailene Woodley is not from that school of thought.
The star is quoted as saying: “Twilight,’ I’m sorry, is about a very unhealthy, toxic relationship.” She likes to think Divergent is in a completely different arena (pun intended) and that her character Beatrice is very much NOT like the fictional character of Bella. Rather, she hopes her turn as heroine will inspire other young girls to be stronger, more driven, more protective of themselves, and above all else, wiser. Also, she is quick to point out that Twilight was a book about a relationship. A very unhealthy one at that. She thinks that at the heart of Divergent, stands a character who spends time trying to find herself, as oppose to find someone to fill her void. With Beatrice, she knows only she herself can fill that void by achieving what needs to be done at any cost.
Divergent hits movie theaters on March 21st, and only then will we fully know the impact her role will have on young girls. Hopefully, the girls who read this article and see the film will see they finally have a strong, smart, driven women as a role model.
(Photo by Imeh Akpanudosen/Getty Images)