Scott Kimballs Gruesome Crimes: A Look at His Victims and How Many He Killed

Between 2003 and 2004, Scott Lee Kimball, one of the worst serial killers in American history, terrorised the state of Colorado. Although he began with small-scale, non-violent crimes, LeAnn Emrys murder in January 2003 marked his first major crime. Surprisingly, the police apparently declined to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the slaying, which resulted in

Between 2003 and 2004, Scott Lee Kimball, one of the worst serial killers in American history, terrorised the state of Colorado. Although he began with small-scale, non-violent crimes, LeAnn Emry’s murder in January 2003 marked his first major crime. Surprisingly, the police apparently declined to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the slaying, which resulted in …

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