Actress and ageless beauty Michelle Pfeiffer is well known for many things. Mostly, being a rather stunning and remarkable actress who is still representing herself well in Hollywood. If you are a fan of the actress, you may want to sit down for this. Seems Pfeiffer had decided to come forth with some rather interesting information about how she was in a cult when she first got to Hollywood. Yes, you read that correctly. Wait, it gets weirder.
According to page six of the NY Times, Michelle Pfeiffer was a “breatharianism”, which are people who believe they can exist solely on sunlight and no food or water. Pfeiffer says she got swept up in the cult when she first came to Hollywood. That is the probably the last thing you would ever expect Michelle Pfeiffer to do, but it just shows you that Hollywood is a very different world than any of us really know about. Also, that cult sounds like reverse vampires. We all know reverse vampires are utterly terrifying because of The Simpsons.
On the plus side, many props to Michelle Pfeiffer for being strong and brave enough to break free of those chains. That can’t be an easy thing to do, and we commend her for not only doing that, but being brave enough to talk about it now, too.
Photo by Clemens Bilan/Getty Images