How to get purple hyacinths in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Flowers can often be a deal-breaker for an Animal Crossing island. They're beautiful, colorful, and add a lot of life to otherwise lifeless terrain. No real life landscape is complete without a field of flowers or at least a flower bed. This remains true for Animal Crossing islands as well. Flowers will always be a

Flowers can often be a deal-breaker for an Animal Crossing island. They're beautiful, colorful, and add a lot of life to otherwise lifeless terrain. No real life landscape is complete without a field of flowers or at least a flower bed. This remains true for Animal Crossing islands as well. Flowers will always be a great but simple addition to any island that Animal Crossing players should utilize.

Hyacinths are considered by many to be the best flowers to get in Animal Crossing and the color purple is certainly rare but beautiful. Here's how to get purple hyacinths on your island in Animal Crossing.

Growing purple hyacinths in Animal Crossing

A few species of flowers naturally grow on the island. If this is the case, these species of flowers can be purchased from Nook's Cranny. If they're not, players will need a friend who does have hyacinths on their island. If that island has hyacinths, then their Nook's Cranny will be selling hyacinths. Players looking for hyacinths can visit those islands to purchase them and plant them once they're back home on their own island.

Nook's Cranny will sell the flowers that grow natively to an island (Image via Nintendo)

Naturally, hyacinths do not grow purple. Red, yellow, and white hyacinths may grow on the island if the player's birthday lands between February 1 and April 30. If not, players can get them elsewhere. Additionally, breeding flowers is possible to obtain other colors.

  • Breeding red and white hyacinths will produce pink hyacinths.
  • Breeding two white hyacinths diagonally will produce blue hyacinths.
  • Breeding red and yellow hyacinths will produce orange hyacinths.
  • Breeding two orange hyacinths diagonally will produce purple hyacinths.

Players will first need to breed red and yellow hyacinths together twice to get two orange hyacinths. They must then breed the resulting orange hyacinths in order to get purple hyacinths on their island. This same process applies to the colors of several other flowers as well.

Hyacinths are rarer than other flowers and purple hyacinths are the rarest of that flower due to their requirement of two hybrids to be made before they can grow. It may take players some time, but it is definitely worth it to get purple hyacinths on your island.

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