Genshin Impact guide for "In the Mountains" quest

Genshin Impact's "In the Mountains" quest is required to access the Peak of Vindagnyr Domain and the Cryo Hypostasis. Farming this Domain is the most efficient way to acquire multiple copies of the Blizzard Strayer and Heart of Depth artifact sets, which is valuable for a few meta characters.

Genshin Impact's "In the Mountains" quest is required to access the Peak of Vindagnyr Domain and the Cryo Hypostasis. Farming this Domain is the most efficient way to acquire multiple copies of the Blizzard Strayer and Heart of Depth artifact sets, which is valuable for a few meta characters.

In the Mountains has no prerequisite quest; hence, Genshin Impact players can attempt it right away. To start it, they must speak to Iris, who can be found in the Dragonspine Adventurer Camp near the northern side of Dragonspine. Afterward, they will need to investigate the strange ice that's marked on their map.

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Genshin Impact quest guide: In the Mountains

Scarlet Quartz play a crucial role in this quest (Image via miHoYo)

It's advisable for Genshin Impact gamers to either have a Geo or a Claymore user to break Scarlet Quartz in a single hit. The most important trait of this ore is that it will damage and eventually break strange ice if users hit it with this ore imbuing them.

A map with all Scarlet Quartz locations, should the reader need it (Image via miHoYo)

Collect the four nearby Scarlet Quartz one by one and attack the strange ice to make it melt. Once the ice melts, interact with the object to see a brief cutscene.

After that is done, players must travel upward to the following marked location. Report back to Iris, and they should now be on the "Thaw all the shards out" objective for this quest.

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Thaw all the shards out

Travelers will need to complete this challenge (Image via Gamers Heroes)

Genshin Impact players will have to thaw out two shards to proceed with the "In the Mountains" quest. The above location near Starglow Cavern involves a challenge that the player must complete under three minutes, featuring these four waves:

  • Three Cryo Hilichurl Shooters, One Cryo Hilichurl Grenadier
  • Three Cryo Hilichurl Shooters, One Cryo Samachurl
  • Two Cryo Hilichurl Shooters, Two Cryo Samuachurl
  • Three Cryo Abyss Mage
  • It's highly recommended to bring a Pyro character to melt the Cryo Abyss Mage's shields easily. Afterward, users will need to use four Scarlet Quartz to thaw the ice once again. Two of them are near the challenge, with the other two being located east (one behind a breakable rock and the other being located underneath the eastern Teleport Waypoint).

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    Interact with the orb and move on to the next part of this Genshin Impact quest.

    The next location that players have to go to (Image via miHoYo)

    Genshin Impact gamers attempting this quest won't see the Cryo Hypostasis icon as shown above, but it's still the same location they need to go to for this quest. Once they arrive here, they should see a cube. Interact with it to see a Warming Seelie move from one Cryo Monument to another (pay attention to the specific order).

    Once it's done moving, players will need to use a Cryo character to trigger the Cryo Monuments in the same order seen by the Warming Seelie. If done successfully, a Precious Chest will spawn.

    Open it and fight the two Ruin Guards. Defeat those foes and the subsequent Ruin Graders before gliding down.

    This Scarlet Quartz is hidden behind a gate on the eastern side, requiring a Warming Seelie to open (Image via miHoYo)

    Most nearby Scarlet Quartz is easy to find in this section, although one requires Genshin Impact users to guide the Warming Seelies to their courts. One Warming Seelie is hidden underneath a pile of snow on the northwestern side, requiring gamers to use a Pyro character to melt it.

    Otherwise, they repeat the same process as before to melt the strange ice. Once that's complete, interact with the nearby orb and proceed with the quest as normal.

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    Head for Dragonspine's summit

    The Warming Seelie will lead the player through here (Image via miHoYo)

    Teleport to Dragonspine's Statue of The Seven and proceed to the marked location on the map. After that, Genshin Impact players will have to wander to the following marked area on the map. They should see a Warming Seelie on their way here, so proceed to follow it to trigger another cutscene.

    Thaw all the shards out again

    The first Scarlet Quartz is easy to spot (Image via miHoYo)

    Once players are at Skyfrost Nail, they will notice that they must thaw more ice yet again. This process is highly similar to the previous attempt to thaw all the shards, except it will be in a more confined area.

    Like before, players must collect a Scarlet Quartz and attack the shards to break them and interact with the nearby orbs when necessary.

    The first Scarlet Quartz's location for this portion of the quest is southwest near an inactive Ruin Golem.

    The second Scarlet Squartz's location (Image via miHoYo)

    Genshin Impact users should head north to the above location. They should see a Frostarm Lawachurl here that they must vanquish for access to this Scarlet Quartz (next to some treasure chests).

    Go back to the center area with the strange ice and cross the nearby platforms. Attack the ice while imbued by the power of the Scarlet Quartz and then interact with the nearby orb.

    The final Scarlet Quartz's location (Image via miHoYo)

    After that's done, Genshin Impact gamers must return to the area where the Frostarm Lawachurl was. Follow the nearby Warming Seelie to get near an Anemo Totem, and use any Anemo character to activate it.

    Ride the gust of the wind and glide across to the location shown above. Ignore the Hilichurls and take the Scarlet Quartz. Return to the central location to dispose of the last shard to nearby be done with this Genshin Impact quest.

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    Finishing "In the Mountains" quest in Genshin Impact

    Genshin Impact players will have access to a new Domain now (Image via miHoYo)

    Genshin Impact players will see a brief cutscene, and then they can descend to the Peak of Vindagnyr Domain to activate it. They should also open the nearby Precious Chests for free Primogems and other minor loot. Opening the Luxurious Chest is necessary to proceed with the quest.

    The final part of "In the Mountains" involves Genshin Impact gamers returning to Iris to complete this quest.

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