Donna DErrico of Baywatch, 49, on her four plastic surgery procedures in a day

Donna DErrico, 49, is a former Baywatch babe and although I really dont remember her I thought I would cover this for the plastic surgery angle. Derrico had a bunch of surgery in one day and showed off her before and after looks on Inside Edition. She detailed exactly what she had done too, which

Donna D’Errico, 49, is a former Baywatch babe and although I really don’t remember her I thought I would cover this for the plastic surgery angle. D’errico had a bunch of surgery in one day and showed off her before and after looks on Inside Edition. She detailed exactly what she had done too, which included an arm lift, tummy tuck, liposuction on her arms and back and fat transfer to her booty. All the procedures took four and a half hours. I don’t know, I would be afraid to do that after seeing any of the Kardashians. Here’s what she told Inside Edition and she also has before and after photos and a review of her plastic surgeon on the surgery review site, RealSelf. There’s a video of her segment below. (It aired some time ago but it’s news to me.)

“I feel really uncomfortable with the loose skin that hangs,” D’Errico said, adding: “I can almost tuck my skin [from my stomach] into my pants like a shirt and it’s not a good feeling.”

A few weeks ago, she turned to Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Obeng for four cosmetic procedures that she had over the course of just one day.

“My end goal is to be in my swimsuit and be out on the beach,” she said.

Inside Edition was there on the day of the surgery. D’Errico was extremely nervous.

Read: Would You Cleanse Your Face With Blood? Inside Donna D’Errico’s Unconventional Beauty Regimen

“I am panicking,” she said. “What if my heart stops?”

But despite her anxiety, she underwent the procedures: Liposuction on her stomach, arms and back; a tummy tuck, a butt enhancement and arm lifts.

Dr. Obeng was able to remove about two liters of fat during the liposuction, which he reinjected to round out her backside.

During the tummy tuck, he removed several inches of loose skin and tightened her skin around her ab muscles.

Read: Former Baywatch Star: I’ll Never Wear a Swimsuit on TV Again After Finding God

After four and a half hours, the surgeries were completed, and she was wrapped in tight bandages to reduce swelling.

Nine weeks later, the results are incredible.

During a beach photo shoot where she rocked a red bathing suit, D’Errico told Inside Edition that “it feels like a trip back in time.”

The total price tag of the procedure is just as astounding as her before-and-after photos: $55,000.

[From Inside Edition via Daily Mail]

One of my cousins has had multiple procedures like this, but in several separate visits, after losing 300 pounds (really, it’s amazing) with gastric bypass. She had a tummy tuck, skin tightening surgery and breast implants and she’s very happy with it. She was just telling me about it this week. Her advice was to interview several surgeons and do your research. The amount of options and procedures which are available are fascinating to me, but I don’t know if I could get anything done at this point. My boobs are really deflated and I have been considering it, but I think I’ll just wear padded bras, save the money and not have to deal with the recovery. Maybe if I worked in front of a camera or if someone paid me to advertise their services (as I assume was the deal here) I would be more open to it. As it is, it sounds like a lot of pain and expense for something that’s only temporary and with varying results. Plus what if you have complications afterwards? That’s how Kanye West’s mom passed away. Those surgeries aren’t without risks. That said, D’Errico looks great and the results seem worth it for her. My cousin does too.






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