Bayley recently took to social media to share a stunning new photo of herself at Beyonce's concert at Levi's Stadium.
The Role Model works on SmackDown and is the leader of Damage CTRL. The faction also consists of IYO SKY and Dakota Kai. SKY cashed in her Money in the Bank contract to become the new WWE Women's Champion at the recently concluded SummerSlam Premium Live Event. Her faction leader played a major role in the successful cash-in.
Despite a hectic schedule, Bayley managed to take some time off to enjoy Beyonce's concert. She also uploaded a new photo of herself on her Instagram story, which caught the attention of fans on social media.
Check out the 34-year-old's stunning new photo:
Taking to her Instagram story, the former SmackDown Women's Champion also sent out a message dedicated to Beyonce, labeling her the "GOAT".
"MY GOODDD... Da GOAT @beyonce @levisstadium was magical tonight," wrote The Role Model.Check out a screengrab of her Instagram story dedicated to Beyonce:
Bayley recently sent out an interesting message to Mercedes Mone
Bayley and Mercedes Mone, formerly known as Sasha Banks in WWE, have been good friends for a long time.
Taking to Twitter, the two women recently reflected on their iconic NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn match from 2016. Mone expressed her interest in a potential rematch against her long-term friend. She wrote:
"Let's do it again someday."In response, The Role Model teased the possibility of the same with the following tweet:
"I can’t wait. Happy 8th," she wrote.The two former NXT Women's Champions have had a lot of success in WWE. They are former two-time Women's Tag Team Champions and won individual championships on the main roster, as well.
Right now, Mone is working under World Wonder Ring Stardom and New Japan Pro-Wrestling. She also attended AEW All In at Wembley Stadium this past Sunday.
What are your thoughts on Bayley's stunning new photo? Sound off in the comments section below.
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